And Now This…

A couple of weeks ago, my buddy Garrett reached out and asked if I wanted to work with him on a cover design for a game jam he was entering. Garrett and I have been playing make-believe since we were six years old, and we still play tabletop RPGs when our schedules allow, so we did everything we could to make this work, and here it is!

Knave is a is a rules toolkit for running old school fantasy RPGs without classes. The whole rule set is just seven pages long, which appeals to me as a gal who never wants to read the rules and gets away with it on roleplaying ability and charm.

Garrett has written a bunch of adventures and led our little group into storytelling mayhem as our GM. We like to play loose, cartoon-violent, and silly, so I’ve no doubt this one will allow for plenty of that. Here’s the blurb:

The village of Pucksfinger has been afflicted with a deadly withering curse that is threatening to slowly destroy most everyone in it. The curse must have come from that outcast sorcerer Torvis, and his strange, silver-bound book. The sorcerer was last seen fleeing into the ancient Faerie Mound up in the hills. No one from the village has been inside the Mound in centuries, but the Mound seems like your best hope of finding a way to lift the curse.

You knaves are some of the few villagers that don’t seem to be affected by the curse… yet. Will you dare to explore the Mound for the sorcerer, to try to find a way to save your home? And if you do, will you be able to solve the mystery of the Wraith’s death curse in time?

The Game Jam has a contest associated with it, but voting doesn’t open up until the 5th. I hope you’ll consider voting for The Wailing Wraith and the Sacred Spring!

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