Phenotypic Expresssion of Centaur – Mermaid Crosses
Very questionable use of punnet squares, mythic beasts, and a little help from my friends resulted in the following:

Monarch Butterfly
I have this post in drafts mysteriously titled “monarch butterfly” with no content in it, and I want to play with some of the new(ish) Divi theme builder features, so I’m going to just go ahead and make a test post here so I can see what happens on...
The Miraculous Mundane, the Makers, and the Intermission

Getting to Know Herbs with Nat!
A couple of weeks ago, Brad and I spent an afternoon in the Sepulveda Basin Community Garden Center with Natalie from CultivateLove LA. We took her Get to Know Herbs workshop and spent time learning about herb gardening with all five senses, touching and tasing the...