This story starts with a Knight of noble Heart and strong will,
who wishes to save a Damsel in a Tower, fair and good and kind,
And there is a Dragon, circling below—
The obstacle the Knight must overcome to achieve his Happy Ending

that’s not…

This story starts with a Damsel of noble heart and strong will
who wishes to save a Knight, good and fair and kind
in a Tower waiting for his Happy Ending,
as a storm gathers,
as a Dragon circles in the Hearts of all involved.


This story starts with a Knight of noble Heart and strong will
who is herself a Damsel in a Tower.
There is a man who is also a Damsel, fair and good and noble and kind.
In his own Tower, he is the Knight
and when the two stories collide there is a pile of rubble, a lightning strike,
for there has formed a Dragon circling between them.

no, but…

This story starts with a Damsel in a tower
and a Dragon who loves her with all their Heart.
There is a Knight who wishes to defeat the Dragon
and the Damsel must save all three of them
before the Tower falls

hang on…

This story starts with a Damsel who is herself a Dragon
who wishes for a Knight to save her from herself.
There is a Tower
she built around herself, but it has become too small
for the size of her Heart, good and noble and kind,
and there are cracks in the foundation.

No. Look:

This story starts with a Tower.

This story starts at the Ending,
in the rubble
with one Heart,
strong of will,
and good
and fair
and kind.

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