Moderna, Second Dose

I have a fever; I reserve the right to be a giant baby about it. Took a long nap; I’ll be up all night, my muscles sore, and feeling kinda shit. Made sure to stock my home with easy snacks Because I knew I wouldn’t want to cook. Immune system is learning the attacks...


Barbara, can you please unmute your mic? And start again because we didn’t hear. John you’re below your frame, please hike your chair up or tilt down your webcam here. Wait just a moment while I share my screen… oh shoot I need to hit “computer sound.” This clip will...
Anatomy of a Tweet

Anatomy of a Tweet

  *notes on this one. It is exactly 280 characters, not counting line breaks, the current character limit for a tweet. I spent a LOT of time digging around to see if I could style the text to look exactly like an embedded tweet, and finally gave up and just...

The Roaches Come in Through the Front Door

This building is so nice, clean and well kept, and yet your horrible, flat bodies fit just so under the door and you come in sniffing, tasting, seeking to touch all my stuff. I like to think I’m a tolerant person but I draw the line right here. Literally, with borax....


Later, when this is all over I believe I would like to drag the back of my fingernail across the skin just above your elbow feel the press of your lips to the inside of my wrist catch the shell of your ear between my teeth and pull, just a little. Coat my palate with...